The New and Improved Online Quote app

If you are a designer, engineer or innovator, you will be all too familiar with the pains of sourcing quotations. Getting prices and lead times for manufacturing custom parts can sound so simple. That is until you’re endlessly clicking through clunky software or waiting for a reply from a sales rep that appears to be on an eternal coffee break.

Because of this, streamlining the quotation process certainly seemed like a worthy project, and as it turns out, you couldn't agree more. In 2021, we began work to build this application.

The research phase led to conversations with customers and industry friends that unanimously want the same thing. Fast, simple, informative quotes. After months of planning, designing, head-scratching, developing and testing, we are immensely proud to announce the launch of our very own Online Quote tool.

The application is built from the ground up, specifically tailored for digital manufacturing with 3D People. The tool empowers you with the ability to create quotations for hundreds of parts in a matter of seconds. Try it out yourself - your new quotation tool is ready to test. Your access to the industry has never been easier with a tool that can analyse hundreds of parts and generate quotes in just a few seconds. Use the fastest quotation tool on the market to gain quick insights into the cost of your parts. 

For the first release, the goal was to offer a faster, straightforward tool that outperforms the industry standard, so-called instant quote applications. However, this is merely the baseline of what we want to achieve. The application is an early step in our vision to empower engineers, designers and makers with technology that drives innovation. The software is integral to demystifying complex processes and improving your experience.


With this new application, you are able to:

Use our advanced geometry analysis to get more competitive pricing.

Your unique design is inspected by complex algorithms to better understand the cost of manufacturing. The application grants you access to more competitive pricing models for larger parts, and optimises the orientation of your 3D designs for best price performance. 

The SLS service now benefits from 3 different pricing models depending on the design of your part. Larger models with unused interior space will be reduced in price! This is because when nesting your 3D files, we are able to print other smaller parts within this space. Also, the MJF service (coming soon!) will run completely off a new pricing method.

Get visibility on when you will receive your part. 

With so many different manufacturing methods to choose from, all with different lead times, it can be difficult to understand when the order will reach your door. This process has now been simplified into one easy to understand lead time. We understand that how fast your parts arrive is just as important as optimising cost.

No more “click click click!” just to get an estimate

When building your quotation, understanding cost and how design changes can affect that is important. Not every time you build a quote will be to immediately order. At 3D People, it was our goal to enable you to generate a quote for hundreds of parts in just 3 clicks. Don’t believe us? Try it out for yourself. 

Sharing your quote with the team

We wanted to make it easy for all your team members to be on the same page. No more downloading web-pages or using print screens. You can share 3D People quotes with the click of a button. 

Access all your order documents on your order management page

When you place your order into production, all the required paperwork is easily downloadable all in one place. Download your invoice, order summary and purchase orders. 


Learn more about how to use our quote tool

We are eager to hear what you have to say about this new tool, please let us know what you think by emailing